“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

These 2 pieces are ones I finished just today! After a big social weekend, I definitely needed to retreat and paint. Luckily, I have a fabulous husband who allows me time to do so-- that and I took the kids for a couple of hours for movie time, so he could watch football uninterrupted! This is "It's complicated". It's acrylic and string art. I first gessoed the canvas and applied the string in designs directly to the wet gesso. After it dried, I composed the colors based on the image I had in my head of this piece. It's like a mini-synapsis of my life- lots of color and tangled overlapping shapes, grounded by a bit of darkness.

The next piece "Fragmented" is a description of different pieces of my life, some shiny, some mystical and some still raw. This is about how all of the pieces fit together in uniformity, grounded in a deep red, the black stringed lines holding onto brass screws. There is (hopefully!) a finished and yet still a little raw look to this as I feel that I will always be a work in progress.