Today we went to the Chickahominy PowWow where I got some awesome pictures! The boys enjoyed it and my husband tolerated it--although he was missing football!
The music pulsated an ancient beat while the dancers moved in familiar sways and spins. I wanted to wait until everyone was invited into the circle to dance but alas, my husband wanted to come home to watch football. Mind you, he did not actually verbalize not wanting to be there but rather asked me "if this was all there was" after the grand entrance. You would think that someone who had traveled so much would appreciate closer culture but I am still working on him!
Senator Kaine spoke at the event for legal recognition of the Chikahominy tribe. I tried to find out more about my gggg grandmother but their records only go back to the early 1900s. Whats a girl to do? I guess I will write them an old fashioned letter and show them the gravestone and see if there are any clues.
Here are some of the pictures I got! Notice the beadwork.
The music pulsated an ancient beat while the dancers moved in familiar sways and spins. I wanted to wait until everyone was invited into the circle to dance but alas, my husband wanted to come home to watch football. Mind you, he did not actually verbalize not wanting to be there but rather asked me "if this was all there was" after the grand entrance. You would think that someone who had traveled so much would appreciate closer culture but I am still working on him!
Senator Kaine spoke at the event for legal recognition of the Chikahominy tribe. I tried to find out more about my gggg grandmother but their records only go back to the early 1900s. Whats a girl to do? I guess I will write them an old fashioned letter and show them the gravestone and see if there are any clues.
Here are some of the pictures I got! Notice the beadwork.