“But he who dares not grasp the thorn
Should never crave the rose.”
― Anne Brontë
I love roses and I love tattoos so what better way to honor both loves than to watercolor a rose tattoo!
“But he who dares not grasp the thorn I love roses and I love tattoos so what better way to honor both loves than to watercolor a rose tattoo!
Hollywood always wanted me to be pretty, but I fought for realism. I ran across this video while doing some serious academic reading on the Huffington Post (sarcasm intended!). I've been home bound as it's snowed here in RVA and school has been cancelled. This culture (and I am guilty of participating in it!) is too celebrity and model obsessed. While the fashion and marketing industry have always preyed on our fears to compel sales, the difference between 60 years ago and now, is the creeping of technological devices and advertising into every aspect of our lives. I love vintage ads, particularly those which reveal things about the role of a woman in a particular time era. I was looking at a post on vintage ads when I began thinking about how much times haven't changed. The delivery is different but the message is still the same--"you are not good enough without my product". I discovered the following artist, Boggie whose video shows her own transformation via Photoshop. In the song, she says "I am not their product". I hope to see more and more artists speaking up against Photoshopping their images so that they are hardly recognizable. It is bad for all people. If people compare themselves to something that the artist isn't even, than what hope is there for a healthy body image? Boggie helps explore the media's distortion of beauty. "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." ![]() I ran across this quote today and was enamored by it, perhaps because of my recent encounters with Poe's literature or perhaps because of news of his recent birthday bash at the Poe museum in Richmond, VA. Nonetheless, I was taken aback by it. "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night". Is it true? I've always been a dreamer, distracted from life by multiple hobbies and projects. Could this ability to be a dreamer actually be an asset, instead of a curse? The last story I read by Poe was during a very short stint as a tutor to a 17 year old girl. She was reading the Black Cat and The Fall of the House of Usher. One thing Poe could do was tone. The tone of his short stories are dark, romantic, and long-suffering. Poe was an alleged drinker of absinthe and perhaps slightly opium dependent as well. Did this have an affect on his writing? One can only surmise that, yes, it did and perhaps this lends to the darkness in his stories. This is why I loved his quote. He speaks of day. This odd prince of darkness speaks of dreaming in the day and this warms my heart; I wish I had seen it earlier. Perhaps he wrote because his thoughts overwhelmed him because he dreamed in color when others got to rest. I found this on the perfect day as I've been struggling with this art thing lately. I didn't apply to Art Works this month and I really want to find some new galleries/stores in Richmond, VA. Nest, on Semmes in Richmond, VA has been awesome and is selling many of my pieces! I couldn't be more thrilled but the larger paintings, I love making are a tougher sell! Finding this quote today though, inspires me to dream to find additional cool spots and to keep making things! The male is hilarious and demonstrative, the female serious and anxious about her charge. ... If his life is all poetry and romance, hers is all business and prose. ....She shows no affection for the male, no pleasure in his society; she only tolerates him as a necessary evil, and, if he is killed, goes in quest of another in the most business-like manner, as you would go for the plumber or the glazier. In most cases the male is the ornamental partner in the firm, and contributes little of the working capital. With the bluebirds the male is useful as well as ornamental. He is the gay champion and escort of the female at all times, and while she is sitting he feeds her regularly. It is very pretty to watch them building their nest. This is an acrylic of a blue bird, done for a former babysitter's daughter's birthday!
Jamie K. WeinsteinJust a girl with a lot to say! Categories
April 2014