To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
Albert Einstein
Albert, I just want to change one word in your quote- Art. I think the word art can be substituted for science and speaks volumes about my new favorite artist at the VMFA- Ryan McGinness. Originally from Virginia Beach, Ryan now lives and works in NY. Called a "warholian for the technology age" Ryan simplifies images and creates stunning colorful pieces using screening processes.
These are some of his pieces I viewed. I love the chair and the breakdown of Andrew Wyeth's "The Country". It's like a combination of drafting and more design oriented arts mixed with glorious expressionism. I guess in some ways his work could be viewed as sacrilege to more classical pieces but I find it invigorating and exciting.
These are some of his pieces I viewed. I love the chair and the breakdown of Andrew Wyeth's "The Country". It's like a combination of drafting and more design oriented arts mixed with glorious expressionism. I guess in some ways his work could be viewed as sacrilege to more classical pieces but I find it invigorating and exciting.