I just worked with Marcelo and Mark at Nest , a new store in Richmond, VA. Visit them on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RVANest
I let Mark guide me with pricing which was an interesting process, as I'm just starting. I appreciated his help. Now that I have 3 places to hang my art, I can start to guide my efforts to save time both in knowing what to produce and in knowing how much time to put into things.
I was a happily surprised at what they liked and the prices are fair. "Nest" will give me an outlet for some of my more macabre work or allow me to go in that direction which is super fun! Mark mentioned with the heavy emphasis on the skulls (I made 2 more prints in black and white w/ black frames---totally forgot to photograph!) they should sell during Halloween well and we'll see from there BUT, I totally have more up my sleeve! I can do a Burlesque series, a historical costumes series and even a literature series!
We're supposed to go to an art festival today but we're also waiting on the on our contractor friend/family to come help with the bathroom renovation that needs to be finished in time for my youngest son's birthday in a week! Decisions, decisions.
Here are pictures and pricing of my pieces at "Nest"/ 1. Cottongrass, $35- A plant native to Virginia. 2. Unnamed , $35 3. Happy Dancer, $35 4. Red and Pink, $ 90
5. Sugar Shack Skull, embroidery, cross-stitch and hemp, $145
6. Shango, $75 an Afro-Cuban god of fire painted in sorority style colors~ Picture it- silly girl buys painting at local store, terror ensues~ doesn't it sound like the beginning of a horrible b movie?!
I let Mark guide me with pricing which was an interesting process, as I'm just starting. I appreciated his help. Now that I have 3 places to hang my art, I can start to guide my efforts to save time both in knowing what to produce and in knowing how much time to put into things.
I was a happily surprised at what they liked and the prices are fair. "Nest" will give me an outlet for some of my more macabre work or allow me to go in that direction which is super fun! Mark mentioned with the heavy emphasis on the skulls (I made 2 more prints in black and white w/ black frames---totally forgot to photograph!) they should sell during Halloween well and we'll see from there BUT, I totally have more up my sleeve! I can do a Burlesque series, a historical costumes series and even a literature series!
We're supposed to go to an art festival today but we're also waiting on the on our contractor friend/family to come help with the bathroom renovation that needs to be finished in time for my youngest son's birthday in a week! Decisions, decisions.
Here are pictures and pricing of my pieces at "Nest"/ 1. Cottongrass, $35- A plant native to Virginia. 2. Unnamed , $35 3. Happy Dancer, $35 4. Red and Pink, $ 90
5. Sugar Shack Skull, embroidery, cross-stitch and hemp, $145
6. Shango, $75 an Afro-Cuban god of fire painted in sorority style colors~ Picture it- silly girl buys painting at local store, terror ensues~ doesn't it sound like the beginning of a horrible b movie?!